
bauble.classic is a cross-platform program and it will run on unix machines like Linux and MacOSX, as well as on Windows.

To install Bauble first requires that you install its dependencies that cannot be installed automatically. These include virtualenvwrapper, PyGTK and pip. Python and GTK+, you probably already have. As long as you have these packages installed then Bauble should be able to install the rest of its dependencies by itself.


If you follow these installation steps, you will end with Bauble running within a Python virtual environment, all Python dependencies installed locally, non conflicting with any other Python program you may have on your system.

if you later choose to remove Bauble, you simply remove the virtual environment, which is a directory, with all of its content.

Installing on Linux

  1. Download the script and run it:

    Please not that the script will not help you install any extra database connector. This you will do in a later step.

    You can study the script to see what steps if runs for you. In short it will install dependencies which can’t be satisfied in a virtual environment, then it will create a virtual environment named bacl, download the sources and connect your git checkout to the bauble-1.0 branch (this you can consider a production line), it then builds bauble, downloading all remaining dependencies, and finally it creates a startup script in your ~/bin folder.

    If the script ends without error, you can now start bauble:


    or update bauble to the latest released production patch:

    ~/bin/bauble -u

    The same script you can use to switch to a different production line, but at the moment there’s only bauble-1.0.

  2. on Unity, open a terminal, start bauble, its icon will show up in the launcher, you can now lock to launcher it.

  3. If you would like to use the default SQLite database or you don’t know what this means then you can skip this step. If you would like to use a database backend other than the default SQLite backend then you will also need to install a database connector.

    If you would like to use a PostgreSQL database then activate the virtual environment and install psycopg2 with the following commands:

    source ~/.virtualenvs/bacl/bin/activate
    pip install -U psycopg2

    You might need solve dependencies. How to do so, depends on which Linux flavour you are using. Check with your distribution documentation.


Verbinding maken met een database.

Installing on MacOSX

Being MacOSX a unix environment, most things will work the same as on Linux (sort of).

One difficulty is that there are many more versions of MacOSX out there than one would want to support, and only the current and its immediately preceding release are kept up-to-date by Apple-the-firm.

Last time we tested, some of the dependencies could not be installed on MacOSX 10.5 and we assume similar problems would present themselves on older OSX versions. Bauble has been successfully tested with 10.7 and 10.9.

First of all, you need things which are an integral part of a unix environment, but which are missing in a off-the-shelf mac:

  1. developers tools: xcode. check the wikipedia page for the version supported on your mac.
  2. package manager: homebrew (tigerbrew for older OSX versions).

with the above installed, run:

brew doctor

make sure you understand the problems it reports, and correct them. pygtk will need xquartz and brew will not solve the dependency automatically. either install xquartz using brew or the way you prefer:

brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz

then install the remaining dependencies:

brew install git
brew install pygtk  # takes time and installs all dependencies

follow all instructions on how to activate what you have installed.

the rest is just as on a normal unix machine, and we have a script for it. Read the above Linux instructions, follow them, enjoy.


Verbinding maken met een database.

Installing on Windows

The Windows installer used to be a “batteries-included” installer, installing everything needed to run Bauble. The current maintainer of bauble.classic cannot run Windows applications. If you want to run the latest version of bauble on Windows: download and install the dependencies and then install Bauble from the source package.

Please report any trouble and help with packaging will be very welcome.


Bauble has been tested with and is known to work on W-XP, W-7 and W-8. Although it should work fine on other versions Windows it has not been thoroughly tested.


Direct download links are given for all needed components. They have been tested in September 2015, but things change with time. If any of the direct download links stops working, please ring the bell, so we can update the information here.

the installation steps on Windows:

  1. download and install git (comes with a unix-like sh and includes vi) from:

    Direct link to download git

    all default options are fine, except we need git to be executable from the command prompt:

  2. download and install Python 2.x (32bit) from:

    Direct link to download Python

    Bauble has been developed and tested using Python 2.x. It will definitely not run on Python 3.x. If you are interested in helping port to Python 3.x, please contact the Bauble maintainers.

    when installing Python, do put Python in the PATH:

  3. download pygtk from the following source. (this requires 32bit python). be sure you download the “all in one” version:

    Direct link to download PyGTK

    make a complete install, selecting everything:

  4. (optional) download and install a database connector other than sqlite3.

    On Windows, it is NOT easy to install psycopg2 from sources, using pip, so “avoid the gory details” and use a pre-compiled pagkage from:

    Direct link to download psycopg2


    hey, this is Windows, you need to reboot for changes to take effect!

  6. download and run the batch file:

    this will pull the bauble.classic repository on github to your home directory, under Local\github\Bauble, checkout the bauble-1.0 production line, create a virtual environment and install bauble into it.

    you can also run devinstall.bat passing it as argument the numerical part of the production line you want to follow.

  7. download the batch file you will use to stay up-to-date with the production line you chose to follow:

    if you are on a recent Bauble installation, each time you start the program, Bauble will check on the development site and alert you of any newer bauble release within your chosen production line.

    any time you want to update your installation, just start the command prompt and run bauble-update.bat

  8. you can now start bauble using the bauble.lnk shortcut that the installation procedure copies to the Scripts directory of the virtual environment:


If you would like to generate and print PDF reports using Bauble’s default report generator then you will need to download and install Apache FOP. After extracting the FOP archive you will need to include the directory you extracted to in your PATH.


Verbinding maken met een database.

Troubleshooting the Install

  1. What are the packages that are installed by Bauble:

    The following packages are required by Bauble

    • SQLAlchemy
    • lxml

    The following packages are optional:

    • Mako - required by the template based report generator
    • gdata - required by the Picasa photos InfoBox
  2. Couldn’t install lxml.

    The lxml packages have to be compile with a C compiler. If you don’t have a Make sure the libxml and libxsl packages are installed. Installing the Cython packages. On Linux you will have to install the gcc package. On Windows there should be a precompiled version available at

  3. Couldn’t install gdata.

    For some reason the Google’s gdata package lists itself in the Python Package Index but doesn’t work properly with the easy_install command. You can download the latest gdata package from:

    Unzip it and run python installw in the folder you unzip it to.


Verbinding maken met een database.